New Survey Reveals Tech Companies With the Worst Employee Burnout

Employee burnout and stress is a big problem in the average American workplace, but it's especially true among some of the country's biggest tech companies, many of which have famously rigorous workplace cultures that often encourage long hours, favor young people, and sometimes require unreasonably high levels of productivity


Blind, a message board app created for employees to talk about work anonymously, surveyed more than 11,000 employees at 30 of the biggest tech companies to find out just how many of them feel burnt out by their work.

Users were asked the simple question, “Are you currently suffering from job burnout?” and could only answer with either "Yes" or "No," according to a Blind spokesperson.

Blind's findings show that overall, more than half (57.16%, to be exact) of tech employees surveyed said they were feeling burnt out by their jobs.

Each participant's employment status is self-reported, and while the results do not include the opinions of every employee at each of the companies listed, they give us an inside look at the workplace cultures experienced by those who did respond to the survey.


Here's how each of the biggest tech companies stack up, based on their respective levels of employee burnout:
