Dan and Cara: Is the Queer Eye Couple Still in a Relationship?

With Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye‘ season 7 episode 5 featuring none other than local New Orleans, Louisiana, celebrity Dan Stein, we get a complete insight into what precisely makes him an enigma. However, since this proud yet grumpy owner-operator of Stein’s Market & Deli was nominated by one of his girlfriend Cara’s young adult daughters, his personal life does end up taking center stage. So now, if you simply wish to learn more about the same — his connection with his deli, beloved Cara, her family, as well as all their current standing — we’ve got the necessary details for you.

Dan and Cara’s Queer Eye Journey

It was seemingly around 2020 when Dan first became involved with Cara following a chance encounter, just for them to soon fall utterly head over heels in love despite his extreme workaholism. In fact, per his nomination letter, “the man works over 80 hours, seven days a week at his deli” and thus obviously can’t really spend any quality time with his girlfriend — his first serious one ever. The truth is it was his big heart, caring nature, and kindness that had initially won her over, yet she was truly right on the fence about walking away from him after two years of scheduling issues.

Cara, a successful CEO, actually said in the series that Dan “is so busy at the deli he can’t change his clothes and shave his face… I have only taken [him] to one work event. He was late, and then he was wearing all of his deli clothes… He promptly sat down in one of the chairs and fell asleep.” This evening was hence understandably one of the very low points in their relationship, but Cara still stuck by the Pennsylvania native former lawyer because she knew he was raised right and could genuinely care; it’s just she needed to see if she could count on him for the long run too.

On the other hand, Dan conceded he knows he’s in an entirely “toxic, co-dependent relationship with the deli. If I were Samson, the deli’s my hair. There’s this sort of frustration where you just say, ‘Is this all I have? Is this all I’m meant to do, is come to this place and never smell the roses and never take a break?'” Therefore, he was genuinely self-willing to go along the makeover process, only to end up positively responding to the Fab Five’s advice before outrightly asking for further criticism to ensure he can be the best possible man for not just his girlfriend but also himself.

It thus comes as no surprise Dan gradually understood merely sleeping in the same bed as Cara wouldn’t cut it out anymore, especially as their routine wasn’t ever aligned at that point either. So, he made a full list of all his faults plus how he could improve and then concluded he could also step away from the deli’s front register from time to time to help his own ties with it following 15 years. Nevertheless, in the end, although he did begin making efforts to show his girlfriend he could be the man she saw deep inside, he knew it was going to take a lot more work to make things okay.

Dan and Cara Are Likely Still Together

From what we can tell through Dan’s active online presence, it seems like the 50-year-old New Orleans resident has continued on the self-improvement path the Fab Five had helped set him on. That’s because he’s still clean-shaven, dresses a lot more appropriately, and ostensibly ensures to find time for his hobbies too, making it clear he’s miles away from the man he once used to be.

Therefore, it’s highly likely he managed to save his relationship with Cara as well — albeit we can’t be sure since they both prefer to keep the details of their personal lives well away from the limelight. We are optimistically hopeful considering everything they’ve been through, yet the truth might be different — so we’ll simply have to wait for either the deli owner or the CEO to come forth with their relationship status.
