Susan Andrews Is Tucker Carlson's Wife Who Gave up Her Career to Raise Kids

Susan Andrews is chiefly known as news anchor Tucker Carlson's wife; she rarely ever makes public appearances. Little is known about the couple's life, but Andrews once faced a dangerous situation where she hid in her pantry as intruders tried breaking through her front door.

Susan Andrews' husband, Tucker Carlson, came from humble beginnings, and with the help of her dad, the news anchor could attend college. He avidly pursued her while they were in school, and when the time came, Carlson asked for Andrews's hand in marriage.

The couple tied the knot in the early 1990s in Rhode Island when Carlson was a college senior. They enjoyed their honeymoon in Bermuda and soon began expanding their family. Andrews gave birth to four children with the former "Fox and Friends Weekend" co-host and dedicated her life to being a stay-at-home mom.

Tucker Carlson and Susan Andrews are seen on April 16, 2019, in Los Angeles | Source: Getty Images

Susan Andrews & Tucker Carlson Were High School Sweethearts

Andrews and Carlson first met as teenagers when Carlson was sent to boarding school at 14 years old. Her dad, Reverend George Andrews, was the school's headmaster. Carlson's former classmates all had vivid and humorous memories of him as a student. However, Andrews remembered him more fondly as she explained:

"There was a bounce in his walk. He was in his khaki pants and ribbon belt and I thought, even then, he seemed so optimistic and positive."

Carlson thought Andrews was "the cutest tenth grader in America," and the pair soon started dating. Andrews's husband was reportedly a "lackluster" student and struggled to get into college on his own merit.

James Randall, Eleanor Randall, Tucker Carlson, and Susan Andrews are seen on January 14, 2020, in Los Angeles | Source: Getty Images

Her father intervened and arranged for Carlson to enroll at Trinity College in Hartford. Six months before he graduated in 1991, Carlson asked Andrews to marry him. He described his marriage proposal as "very 19th century," which he saw as a "good thing to do."

Susan Andrews Sacrificed Her Career to Be a Wife & Mom

After marrying, the couple welcomed a daughter, Lillie, 27, into their union. Following Lillie is Buckley, 25, Hopie, 23, and Dorothy. At the end of the 1990s, Andrews had given birth to three of their children. She had been working as a teacher at an Episcopal school, but she abandoned the job to raise her kids.

Her husband was also a present father who consistently read to their children when they were young. A celebrated family tradition in that respect is reading the Bill of Rights on Independence Day to teach their kids the significance of the Constitution.

Tucker Carlson and Susan Andrews are seen on January 15, 2020, in Los Angeles | Source: Getty Images

After each liberty's recital, he would set off a firecracker. Carlson would also fly the American flag in the front yard of their renovated 1906 farmhouse in Virginia to instill a sense of patriotism. He thought it was important for his children to appreciate civic rights and not take them for granted.

He admitted that patriotism was "so uncool." Still, he thought it harmless because, as young as they were, "they didn't know that." It remains unclear when their youngest daughter was born, but it was likely in the early 2000s. Andrews marveled at her husband's enthusiasm as a father, saying:

"He's so imaginative with them."

Eleanor Randall, Susan Andrews, Tucker Carlson, and James Randall are seen on April 16, 2019, in Los Angeles | Source: Getty Images

Susan Andrews Weathered Difficult Times by Her Husband's Side

Andrews' husband launched a show titled "Tucker" in 2005; however, its success didn't last very long. After it was canceled, Carlson fell into a depressive episode, where he worried about how he would care for his family. The cancelation of the show left him jobless and would soon strand his family in poverty.

The couple had moved from their home in Alexandria, Virginia, to Madison, New Jersey, but were forced to move back to Washington, D.C., and stay with Carlson's old friend, Neil Patel. Andrews remained at Carlson's side throughout the ordeal.

Andrews's father's church was part of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. She and Carlson identify as Episcopalians and as members of the Anglican Communion. Carlson credited his wife with strengthening his faith, leading him to take it more seriously.

Tucker Carlson is pictured as he speaks during the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) Feszt on August 7, 2021, in Esztergom, Hungary | Source: Getty Images

In 2018, another ordeal struck the family when Andrews was alone in their home and getting ready to go to dinner when she heard loud banging and screaming at the front door. Terrified, she locked herself in the pantry, thinking it was a home invasion, and dialed 911.

Thankfully, none of their children were home, but Carlson was at work and two hours away from going live on Fox News. After dialing 911, Andrews texted her husband multiple times to alert him about the situation. However, what she thought was an invasion was a protest.

Carlson called Andrews, and she explained someone had thrown themselves against the front door and managed to crack it. A since-deleted video of the protest, which included approximately 20 activists, was shared by an anti-fascist organization called Smash Racism, where the protesters accused Carlson of spreading hate.

Tucker Carlson is pictured as he speaks onstage during Politicon 2018 at the Los Angeles Convention Center on October 21, 2018, in Los Angeles | Source: Getty Images

The organization believed that hate was an ideology that led to the deaths of thousands and that through his platform, Carlson was "spreading fear" into their homes. They threatened the Fox News host, telling him they knew where he lived in group chants, reminding him that as unsafe as they were, so was he.

According to Carlson, the protesters also carried signs with his home address and demanded that he leave the neighborhood. At the time, he didn't know who had organized the gathering but was working to find out.

The police reportedly arrived within minutes of being contacted, and by the time the protesters were gone, security around Carlson's home had been tightened. A former Fox News reporter, Megyn Kelly, came to Carlson's defense in a tweet, saying his family didn't deserve to go through such a scare.

Andrews and Carlson's Children

Carlson was recently booted from Fox and was told about the event just ten minutes before he had to announce it to the world. While many were shocked by the situation, Andrews appeared to take it in her stride and walked her dogs just days after the announcement near the couple's Florida estate. However, this is not where they raised their children.

There is not much known about Carlson and Andrews's children other than that they were raised primarily in Virginia and their son, Buckley, recently married his longtime love, Kelsey Kilgore, on May 27 this year. They had a wedding gift registry where they asked for household items and decor.

Buckley and Kelsey have been linked since six years ago, when in 2017, Buckley interviewed and wrote an article on Kelsey after she lost an election. The couple have come a long way since then, tying the knot this year.

Buckley now works as the Chief of Staff for Rep. Jim Banks. Buckley has worked with Banks since 2019 and before that he worked an an intern at the White House from June 2017 to August of the same year. A dynamic couple indeed.

This is the same son who participated in the Capitol events on January 6, 2021, as Tucker Carlson once told us.
